Samstag, 29. Oktober 2011

CMC - Halloween

 meeting the protestors in Millenium Park,

 the"enlightened ones"... (der Papst & der leuchtende Bart)

 (we want more TRON)

 Jumpsuits / "Strampler"



 the mass...

Good bye Summer!

with last night's Critical Mass the summer is offically over and we are bracing ourselves for the "Winter of the Century", hurray!

(if my feet weren't cut off you could see that I'm actually levitating)

(Bilder von Seb. War schön dass du da warst. Top Zeit!)

Freitag, 28. Oktober 2011

John Tolva

John Tolva (originally from IBM and involved in projects like Many Eyes and City Forward) has switched sides and is the new and 1st ever appointed CTO (Chief Technology Officer) for the City of Chicago.
Hence the move from "Data to Action".

Jeff Stanger

That's distribution: Jeff Stanger (center for digital information) pulls off an amazing talk
with 1 (one) single slide.
Way to go, Jeff! 

Kayne Burk

this is not Kayne Burk/
 but he gave an insightful talk on how to use new online research tools, and what pitfalls one might encounter:
this is FRANK W.

not so obvious, but this is FRANK W., too!

(gotta love those glasses. Who said that you could only switch your identity in shady chat rooms...)


 300+ attendees at Spertus Institute! Great turn out and thanks everyone for joining us this week.

 Luke Williams talking about his new book "Disrupt"

 Q&A with Charles Adler from Kickstarter and Todd Cherkasky from SapientNitro 
(on their right Gina Villavicencio and Ken Kellogg from Marriott eCommerce)
quite a diverse panel...

 Jacob Simons (NBBJ), handing over some insights about his work with Kaiser Permanente and how to prolonge the impact of consultancy work / research within your client's company.

 final panel with Bruce Nussbaum (Parsons The New School of Design, Fast Company and formerly BusinessWeek), Ilya Prokopoff (IDEO), Barbara Denton (Kaiser Permanente) and Jacob Simons (NBBJ)

and done! (those guys in the ties are tired)
last chat with Donna Flynn (Steelcase, formerly Microsoft) and Ted Frank (Backstories)

(behind us: Kwame, part of our amazing Tech.-Team (with Ted and Hans), big probs to you guys!)

Sonntag, 23. Oktober 2011


Die Konferenz-Broschüren sind da (und die Korrektureinlagen auch schon).
Heute $1000 bei Kinko's für Großformatdrucke ausgegeben und Pi-mal-Daumen 144x8' (~100 qm) Kappaplatten verarbeitet...
Na, nicht ganz allein. Wird alles topp, aber es bleibt spannend.
Wir haben einen "Kennenlern-Projektions-Tisch" à la Microsoft Surface und diverse kleine Installationen die erstmal laufen müssen bis ich glaube, dass sie laufen.
Morgen 5 workshops mit Ben McAllister von Jump, Raphael & Byron von DD+D, Rachel Kaberon/David Perlmutter/Jonathan Denham von E³, Greg Ames & Joel Kashuba von Procter&Gamble und zu guter Letzt Mike Roy von Maya Design; sehr fein.

Bis bald mal wieder an der Oberfläche.